How Owl Boy Made Its Graphics What Is Being Used to Make Pixel Art Owl Boy Reddit


It's on auction for $10 with PS+. Always thought it looked like something I'd similar, and the presentation looks gorgeous. But the game seems to get a lot of hate - either it's too brusque or non a proper (or particularly practiced) MV. What are the thoughts around here? Anybody actually recommend this?

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level 1

and then i liked information technology simply its ane of those things where everything about the game is nifty except the gameplay. it was simply a picayune too piece of cake and not exactly fun to play. idk how else to say it. just moving your character around isnt fun really.

level 2

Hm... not for me then. I usually don't intendance for the story. I just want skilful and fun gameplay and practiced atmosphere. That's what I like nearly my favourite metroidvanias (Hollow Knight, Yoku'due south Isle Express, Monster Boy, etc.).

level 1

I liked it. Can't remember much as it was a few years back merely I continue thinking of doing a 2d play through. Really beautiful art style and fun mechanics iirc.

level 1

Beautiful pixel-art game. But not much else. I regret the buy.

level 2

Pretty much my opinion on Blasphemous. Cute game, metal af just I just couldn't vibe with it.

level 2

Is that because yous feel you overpaid, and may I inquire how much that was?

level 1

As others have have said, the MV aspects are very light at all-time, but that'due south not actually my gripe with the game. I constitute the overall gameplay to simply be not very fun, both the traversal and the combat. It's a shame, because it's one of the best looking pixel art games I've ever seen, the story is interesting, and the music rules.

level 1

Owlboy'southward awesome merely it'due south not an MV in my opinion. It does accept an interconnected world but it's more similar a hub with traditional dungeons, and I call back you take to play them in a linear order (it'due south been a while since I played information technology, I could be wrong). I still highly recommend it if you like SNES era action platformers though.

level ane

It's a neat game simply it'south not a Metroidvania.

level 1

The game looks very skillful merely the gameplay is slow, tried playing it like 2 times and both times I only gave up because I got tired of the controls, granted mayhap it's because I was playing with a trackpad instead of a mouse lol

level 1

I idea it was a fun game with a cute story. Non much of a Metroidvania though.

level ane

Fuck Owlboy.

It'due south non an MV. It'south a linear flying-based story-based platformer. There are no meaningful upgrades. Honestly, it's not a terrible game, provided you don't come in thinking that it'south an MV. Considering Information technology IS NOT AN MV. It'south not even MV-adjacent. It'due south merely plan non an MV. And there was and so much hype when it came out that I'1000 nonetheless biting subsequently all these years.

Simply if you like linear non-MV platformers with a fleck of puzzle-solving to get by rooms and such, maybe it's up your street.

level ane

It's a adept game just felt too linear to be a Metroidvania. You tin can backtrack from the hub for collectibles, but they're not really upgrades you need to progress.

level ane

Owlboy is a linear game non really a Metroidvania, just I LOVE this game. I love the art, I dearest the narrative and I think the gameplay is fun. 10/10, would buy again

level ane

IMO it's quite wearisome, way too linear to be considered a metroidvania, and the characters were very annoying, but it does look really overnice.

level 1

Its really proficient game but if you are waiting for Metroidvania you lot volition be disappointed. The game is very linear and with very fiddling exploration because right of the bat Owlboy can fly, making any and all platforming useless.

For that cost I would say its skillful buy and information technology will support the small team that made it equally passion project :)

level 1

It'due south basically 100% linear. The problems I had with Owlboy were the contrived narrative, the most obnoxious knockback I've ever seen paired with bad hitboxes, `and just an overall sense of mediocrity to the gameplay.

level 1

I thout it was pretty but very boring. Didn't terminate information technology. Also, not a metroidvania.

level i

Weird name and design pick for a main character. Yet it looks nice!

level ane

I can't quite explain information technology but I didn't care for it. Annoyed me and I finished information technology to justify the purchase. Equally others have said, wasn't especially fun to play. Had certain controls that worked in a fashion almost opposite of how you wanted them to. Pitiful for vagary simply it was a long time agone that I played it.

level 1

Information technology'due south a decent game but information technology's non a MV... It just looks like information technology could exist an MV if y'all become what I mean.

level one

Wouldn't call it a MV, simply mayhap that's just me? I played a couple of hours and got bored. Can't put my fingers on what, but I didn't like it.


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